Friday, 23 February 2018

Heart Hui hosted by Kōtuku

Today we hosted our Heart Hui for the whole school

Our announcers did an amazing job and we shared our learning goals from Maths and Reading. 

We sang some of our favourite songs and welcomed new children to the school.

We also shared some of our Exploring we have been doing using the app Explain Everything on the iPads.

Kōura Reading Group: Mustelid Facts

This week the Kōura reading group made a Padlet of the facts they had learnt about Mustelids. They have done such a brilliant job and have found lots of interesting facts. Awesome work Kōura group.

Do you know what a Mustelid is?

Made with Padlet

Hiriwa Reading Group: Elephant Facts

This week the Hiriwa reading group made a Padlet of the facts they had learnt about Elephants. They found so much information and did such a Fantastic job. Well Done Hiriwa group.

Made with Padlet

Mawhero Reading Group: The Mako Shark

This week the Mawhero reading group learnt about the Mako Shark. They even coloured in their own Mako Shark using the information they learnt in there book. Well Done Mawhero group you have made some awesome Mako Sharks.

Friday, 16 February 2018

Tapaono, Tapawha & Tapawaru Maths Groups: Statistics Investigations


This week we have been working on statistical investigations in maths. Together we have identified how to plan and carry out a statistical investigation by gathering data on the class and presenting it as graphs. 

They have done such an amazing job and created some quality work! Good work Team.

Here is some of Ella, Chloe and Daisy's work.

Kowhai Reading Group

Made with Padlet

Parauri: How we learn about Space.

This week Parauri have been researching and learning about Space.

They have used different books and sites including videos.

Kees has worked extremely hard on building a Space Shuttle out of Lego at home.

Here is Kees 5 main facts that he has learned this week.

  1. There is zero gravity in space.
  2. In 1969 two astronauts landed on the moon.
  3. The ISS (International Space Station) was put together in space.
  4. Scientists in the ISS are learning how people can live without gravity.
  5. Astronauts from different countries work in the ISS. 

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Kikorangi Reading Group -

Back into reading!

Kikorangi reading group have been working on following the words with their eyes this week and not using their fingers to point to the words - they achieved their goal  in days! Good job Team

Watch this video to see how well they are doing

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Mā Reading: What names of baby animals do we know?

This week the Mā reading group made a Padlet of their prior knowledge of what were the different Baby Animal names. They did a Fantastic job and even got to Share their knowledge with Miss McCormick. Well Done Mā group
Made with Padlet

Friday, 9 February 2018

Google Forms:

Hi Guys

Last night some of you were asking if we could put the google form onto the blog so here it is.

It was fantastic to see so many of you last night at the picnic even if it was a bit windy.

Have a great day

Kōtuku teachers

Monday, 5 February 2018

Week 1: Back into it

Kia Ora guys

What a busy start to the year with swimming, getting to know each other, sharing holidays and so much more.

Last week we looked at some rules within the learning space. We decided that this was for all. We settled on the word Respect for this. Throughout the week we also looked at ways that we can show this. Check it out below.

We have also been doing some challenges within our learning space. These fit into a few different categories. It was pleasing to see so many children working collaboratively to complete these challenges.