Thursday, 20 September 2018

Lady Wigram Retirement Village vist

We loved visiting Lady Wigram Retirement village so much last week. We wrote about our favourite parts of the trip and some are published here for you to read. It's definitely going to be an inquiry Kōtuku remembers for a long time!

On a bright sunny Day kōtuku learning space went outside and started
walking to lady wigram retirement village it was a blast. I walked to lady
wigram with my nana, Tyler, Karaitiana, Riley and Sapphire. When we
got in to our lines for the performance we walked into the home and started
singing. I was the leader for  Mali mali mai with Ella. After the singing we
had some food for lady wigram retirement village. After they were full we
got to have the rest of the delicious baking. Then we sat down to talk to the
people. One of them was my mum’s friend. We talked to her too. Then we
walked back to school again. I loved going there.


On Wednesday Kotuku walked to Lady Wigram for morning tea. The Baking
group made fruity bites, chocolate chip cookies and muffins. We went to
Lady Wigram to do a performance and give them a worm farm. Then we
finally had morning tea. I followed the plates to try and get one of
everything.My favourite one was the white chocolate chip cookies.
I felt happy

On Wednesday (12 of September) the teachers, Kotuku and l went to Lady
Wigram Retirement Village. We went there to perform, chat, give them the
worm farm, and give them Morning tea. When we arrived all the residents
were at fancy tables with pots of flowers. Since we baked our Chocolate
chip cookies, muffins, frozen fruity bites, and oaty bite on Monday and
Tuesday we brought them over on Wednesday.We performed a couple
of kapa haka songs, and a pasfica song. First we sang Aoraki led by
Devon and Havana. Next we sang pusi Nofo led by, Vitolio and Ofa.
Then we sang A long way led by Tayla-Jayne and Dylan, it was beautiful.
The final song was Mali Mail Mai lead by Izaak and Ella. Now time for
my favourite part... CHATTING! I chatted with a kind lady wearing a silver
polar fleece and a long sleeve magenta top. After that it was Morning tea
time. My group which was Havana, Ofa and, Tayla-Jayne made delicious  
Chocolate chip cookies and they were eaten reallyI mean REALLY fast.
The kids got to eat one thing and,I decided to have a savoury muffin. Oops
I forgot about the worm farm, let me tell you about it. Mr.Rob came
up as well as the worm farm group and they talked about the worm farm.
They painted the colours red, green, brown and yellow.They painted the
old desk these colours because a kid said that it should be like a apple tree.
Then we had to leave but, I didn’t want to but guess what...We can come
back at Christmas and sing Christmas carols so, I didn’t feel so disappointed
after all.


Hello reader would you like to hear about the time we went to lady Wigram
retirement village, so we could give them something thing special? So we
did an epic kapa haka performance we sang Aoraki, Pusi nofo, its a long
way and Mali mali mai. After that we served some delicious food to lady
wigram (we made the food) then of course we had some cookies, frozen
fruity bites, chocolate muffins, oaty mini bites and savory muffins. Then a
group made a worm farm so their soil would be better. When we sang our
songs I was feeling nervous incase I messed up. When we gave them the
worm farm I was feeling happy for them. I would love to go back


Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Duffy Assembly

We were very lucky last week to have a visit from the children's author - Dawn McMillan.

She read us 2 of her books and shared why reading is so important to her. She also invited everyone to visit her in the Coromandel to have hokey pokey biscuits!!

We love our Duffy Books as you can see and really love to sing the Duffy song too!

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Reading: Kōwhiringa - What a Disaster

A few weeks ago some of our Kōwhiringa learners read a story the container ship Rena that went aground near Mount Maunganui in October 2011. The article described the impact of the event through the eyes of a young girl. 

These learners further explored what happened that day and its effects it had on people, places and the environment. They then demonstrated what they had learnt, presenting as they saw fit.

Have a look at awesome work Madds and Skyla completed below.

Monday, 10 September 2018

Reading: Kōwhiringa - New Zealand Dinosaurs

Last week some of our Kōwhiringa learners read an article that explains what is known about the dinosaurs that once roamed New Zealand. It also explains that for a long time, people believed no dinosaurs had ever lived in this New Zealand.

The challenge for these learners was to show what they had learnt by creating a Diagram, News paper article and/or fact sheet about the Dinosaurs that once lived in New Zealand. They had the choice to present this how they saw fit.

Check out their work they created below.

Lady Wigram Retirement Village

Don't forget we are walking to Lady Wigram Retirement Village on Wednesday this week!

Please remember full school uniform and a jacket with a hood just in case of light rain.

We will be performing some songs, serving them morning tea and presenting them with a worm farm that a group of children have made.

We are very excited to be visiting them again to conclude our Wigram inquiry.

Sunday, 9 September 2018

What is learning?

After Karaka reading group read "A Go Kart at School" we started to talk about what we learn and where we learn. The children created a slide to show all the things they think are learning. What do you think?

Friday, 7 September 2018

Reading: Kōwhiringa - Up the Guts!

This week some of our Kōwhiringa learners read a story about Para (the narrator) and her older brother, Shane, as they practise their rugby league skills in their backyard, then play a game of league with the rest of their team.

A task was set for these learners to write a rugby story about their favourite rugby mascot. They wrote and then published their piece of writing on Explain Everything.

Have a look at their stories below.

Reading: Kōwhiringa - Score!

Last week some of our Kōwhiringa learners read about a girl called Tiana and her little league team.

The learners were challenged to create an information report on their favourite rugby player. They had the choice to present this how they saw fit.

Take a look at their awesome work below.

Tongan Language week

This week in Kōtuku we have been learning some Tongan greetings and phrases and reading some of the dual language books we have in class.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Binary: Codes for letters using binary representation

A couple of weeks ago some learners from Kōtuku learned how computers and devices talk and represent information.

We started by translating the bit (binary digit) into the alphabet then we tried spellings lots of different words.

Check out the video below

Tuesday, 4 September 2018


Celebration of Pasifika Learning

Last Thursday our Pasifika group from Wigram Primary School went to Hornby High to take part in the Uru Manuka Fiafia night.

Two students from each school were presented with a certificate to recognise outstanding progress and achievement and leadership. The students from Wigram were Lita Tito and Ofa Tuifua - well done girls!
